This EULA grants you revocable, non­exclusive, non­transferable, limited license to download, install and use the Add-in or Software for personal use or for use within your company or organization. You are not permitted to sell, resell, license, rent, lease, lend, or place on a public server (Internet) or otherwise transfer the Add-in for value without written permission from the owners of PLINXL (or “PLINXL”, or “Plinxl”, or “plinxl”).


This EULA grants you the right to download the Add-in or software for personal use or for use within your company or organization. You agree not to sell, resell, license, rent, lease, lend, assign, distribute, transmit, host or outsource or otherwise transfer the Add-in or Software for value without written permission of PLINXL.


The owners of PLINXL reserve the right to modify, suspend or discontinue the Add-in, Software or any connected services without notice and without liability to you.

You agree not to remove or alter any logo, trademark, copyright notices, hyperlinks, disclaimers, terms of use or other notices within the Add-in or Software.


This Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated by the owners of PLINXL or by you. The owners of PLINXL may at any time suspend or terminate this Agreement without notice and without liability.

You may terminate this agreement by ceasing to use and deleting all copies of the Add-in or software.

Upon termination of this agreement you agree to delete all copies of the Add-in or software.


The owners of PLINXL expressly disclaims any warranty for the Add-in or software. The Add-in or software, along with any related documentation is provided to you “as-is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, the implied warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non infringement.

You accept that the software may not meet your requirements, operate error free or identify any or all errors or problems, or do so accurately. The entire risk arising out of downloading, copying, accessing or using the Add-in or software remains with you.


In no event shall the owners of PLINXL be liable for any special, consequential, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, savings, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this Add-in or software, even if the owner of PLINXL is aware of the possibility of any mistakes, known defects or negligence in developing this Add-in or Software.

By downloading, copying, accessing or using the Add-in or software the organization, business or person bears all the risk and responsibility for the quality and performance of this Add-in, software and related documentation.


If any part of this Agreement is deemed unenforceable or invalid, the provisions will be amended and interpreted to accomplish the objects of the provision to the greatest extent possible under the applicable law. This will not affect the enforce ability of the other provisions of this Agreement.


The owners of PLINXL reserve the right to modify or replace this Agreement at any time.